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Here is a sampling of events that RICDA members have taken advantage of.

NARRATIVE ASSESSMENTS: New England CDA Collaborative Event

Rich Feller, PhD, NCDA Past President and Co-Editor of the NCDA’s A Counselor’s Guide to Career Assessment Instruments (5th Edition) led us in career assessments.  The session focused on a new narrative assessment Who You Are Matters (board game and virtual program). Participants experienced the full virtual event in breakouts and were provided with a high level overview of YouScience aptitude assessment, and Type Coach.  


What Do Know about the GEN-Z AND THE iGENERATION?

Learned about the characteristics of Gen Z & iGeneration - who are they, what are they looking for, and how can we support them? Informative presentation and discussion with Board members Bill Massey and Eric Papa. 


Join us for our annul Employer Panel. This year's theme will be Entrepreneurship. Our panel will bring together local business advising resources and entrepreneurs. Participants will learn about resources available to support and refer clients/students to, from a small side hustle to a large venture. 

2018 ANNUAL CONFERENCE: Student & Client Engagement

This conference focused our our goal - to engage career professionals from all backgrounds, who work in all sectors, in meaningful professional development – while continuing to work with an amazing network to make this happen!  We have changed locations to support the growth of this conference.  This year, our annual conference takes a look at our students and clients.  



Looking to work for the government or do you help clients who want to work for the government? While it is a great career goal, the job search process can be difficult. Join RICDA for tips on how to navigate USAJOBS, creating a federal resume, hiring and interview information, challenges that are tied to the applicant staying interested through the process, and more. As part of this program, you will gain insight into the government search by Sean Maher, Program Manager for Recruiting for the U.S. Customs and Border Protection.




National Career Development Month, "Fostering Well Being through Meaningful Work”  was celebrated with a panel discussion on employer relations of it.  Employers representing different industries joined us to speak about what keeps their work meaningful as well as sharing their perspective on what sets a candidate apart.



In April, RICDA hosted a free event focused on Building Cultural Competency at Dorcas International. We had an engaging panel and discussion on diversity and inclusion in the workplace with noted professionals from industry, higher education and K-12 sharing their insights. It was an open and frank discussion that paved the way for continuing conversations.




Our Winter event was a great success!  Sierra Barter social media coordinator at Johnson & Wales University shared best practices to engage students using social media tools and what trends to look for as we prepare to engage future college attendees. Following the keynote, attendees were treated to the fresh perspectives of high school and college students on which posts catch their eye, what makes them click to find out more, and what we shouldn't do which is as important as what we should.

Past Events

RICDA | Rhode Island Career Development Association  |

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